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  Reseller Levels and Benefits

Reseller level:
We offer five effective discount levels, Basic, Silver, Gold, Diamond and VIP levels for our resellers. Different discount level will be offered bases on the initial deposit or total receipts.
Initial Deposit ≥US $203.9 Basic Level
Initial Deposit ≥US $339.83 Silver Level
Initial Deposit ≥US $611.7 Gold Level
Initial Deposit ≥US $1087.46 Diamond Level
Initial Deposit ≥US $1359.32 VIP Level

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* Corresponding discounts are offered
* Self-managing your domain
* Managing your finance online through our Reseller DIY Administration system
* Technical support is available 7x24
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We accept Payment:PayPal supports payments in currencies including HKD,USD.
All the prices displayed on our website is current United State Dollars.
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