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.travel:  more and more people like traveling, traveling can widen your knowledge, you can learn new culture while traveling, if you are a traveling company, you want to succeed in travel field, just come and register .travel domain name! In May,2005, Tralliance (the official registry for .TRAVEL) signed a contract with ICANN to operate the .travel TLD, which is exclusively reserved for the travel industry., so it also have some requirements for the applicant, the .travel Registry operating procedures and policies for the .travel TLD will differentiate it from all other TLDs on the Internet, and offer unique value to the travel industry and its consumers.If the applicant whose eligibility has been authenticated by independent third parties, including industry associations, .travel will be restricted to applicants, Eligibility will be checked for every applicant, based on data provided by them. In addition, The Travel Partnership Corporation has defined restrictions on domain name selection that limit registrants to names that they use or have rights to. So .travel is a professional and particular domain name for the travel business.

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