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Register  Your  .Tw  Domain  Name  Today!

.tw:  .tw is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Republic of China (Taiwan). .tw domains can and will bring you a potential marketplace in economical, political or cultural fields, especially favorable for companies and private persons.

♦ Tw - Very popular in Taiwan

Registration restrictions Requirements vary depending on which second-level name registration is within; foreigners allowed in several categories Documents Guidelines for administration of domain name registration .Dispute policies Taiwan Network Information Center Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy.

.Tw for Economical, Political or Cultural relations to Taiwan

Taiwan is located off the coast of southeastern China, southwest of Okinawa and north of the Philippines. The island is administered by the Republic of China. Shaped roughly like a sweet potato, the island is home to more than 22 million people and is one of the most densely populated places in the world.
.tw domains are especially favorable for companies and private persons, who have economical, political or cultural relations to Taiwan.

Generic second-level domains& the third level domains:
.com.tw: for companies or firms (Taiwanese or foreign) registered under the laws of their country
.tw: For everyone

.Tw with Chinese characters

Domain names in Chinese characters may also be registered at the second level. Furthermore, any registrant of a standard domain name who has chosen a domestic registrar may automatically get two further domain names in Chinese characters beneath the following second-level domains: 网络.tw, 组织.tw and 商业.tw. These second-level domains correspond to .net.tw, .org.tw and .com.tw but they are not recognized by ICANN.


How to register .tw domain name?

If you are foreign firms or foreign individual, for application, please visit (http://www.todaynic.com/) for reference and service. TODAYNIC rules and regulations apply to both domestic and overseas registration.
.TW, the official Taiwanese Internet address is NOW OPEN to the world. Individuals, businesses and organizations everywhere have an unprecedented opportunity to gain entry into one of the most dynamic commercial centers in the world.

How to register .COM.TW, .TW domain name(s)?

-Expand your business into the newly accessible Taiwanese marketplace
-Introduce your business to a potential customer base that exceeds 23 million people
-Safeguard your brand name and corporate identity in Taiwan, which was recently appointed to the World Trade Organization (WTO)
-Secure a 'localized' presence in Taiwan, while expanding your international presence

Why should an international business secure a .tw name?

As the next frontier of global e-business,.tw presents companies everywhere with an unprecedented opportunity to succeed in the Taiwan marketplace. Now is an ideal time for companies to protect their brand identities in .tw, and to begin making inroads into the Taiwan marketplace.


If you have any questions, please contact us on:  info@todaynic.com


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