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Domain Transfer

How do I transfer a domain to Todaynic.com?

Domain Transfer Process:
  1. Please inform your administrative contact of the domain name for transfer. During this period, you can still get access to your domain name through your current registrar.
  2. Todaynic will email the administrative contact to request transfer approval at the next business day.
  3. Once the administrative contact approves the domain transfer, Todaynic will send a transfer request to the registry.
  4. The registry will contact your current registrar via email.
  5. Your current registrar will send you an email notification indicating that the transfer to Todaynic has been approved. You are required to reply the message to enable the transfer.
  6. The losing registrar will send an acceptance or rejection notice to the registry.
  7. The registry will notify Todaynic of the acceptance or rejection.
  8. Todaynic will inform you via email that the transfer has completed or failed.
Helpful hints:
  • According to ICANN Transfer Policy, a domain name cannot be transferred within 60 days of initial registration or a previous transfer.
  • Please make sure that the administrative contact’s email address of the domain name for transfer is correct. A transfer confirmation email will be sent to the administrative contact once a transfer request has been submitted.
  • Once you receive an email which informs you that the domain transfer is completed, please login your account in time and confirm the contact information is correct and complete.
  • A transfer will not succeed if the domain name is in “Lock” status.

How long does a domain transfer take?

It is usually completed within 5 days from the date of the initial transfer request. However, some transfers may take longer to complete. In order to speed up the domain transfer process, you can:

  • Make sure that the administrative contact’s email address of the domain for transfer is correct. A transfer confirmation email will be sent to the administrative contact once a transfer request has been submitted.
  • Inform the administrative contact of the domain name for transfer and ask he/her to approve the domain transfer.

Can I sell my domain name(s)?

Any domain name you registered with us can be sold or transferred to any party. There is no charge for this process. The receiving party of the domain must set up an account with us.

Once your domain name(s) have been sold, the domain name will be removed from your list of registered domain names and it will be placed to the new registrant’s account.

To Change the Registrant of A Domain
  1. Log in to your Control Center.
  2. Under the Domain Admin menu, click Admin.
  3. Select the check box for the domain you want to sell, and then click Modify Domain Info.
  4. Please enter the new registrant’s information in the right pane.
  5. Click Save Changes.

A notification email will be sent to the new registrant. The new registrant will be informed of the process to claim the ownership of the domain name(s).

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